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Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program

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man in glasses puts head in hands while considering alcohol addiction treatmentAlcohol is a substance that is widely used and legal in the U.S. Because it is so socially acceptable, it can be difficult to assess whether alcohol has become a problem in someone’s life. There are potentially devastating physical and emotional effects to alcohol abuse, and in order to recover from these, alcoholic addiction treatment may be necessary. If you are seeking a substance abuse treatment program in Michigan, Skywood Outpatient has the resources to help patients with alcohol use disorder find their way back to life. To learn more, call 248.617.6237 or connect with us online.

Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol use disorder (AUD), or alcoholism as it is commonly known, is classified in an individual by their inability to stop or control the consumption of alcohol despite negative side effects. In the U.S., a standard drink contains around one-half ounce of pure alcohol. This generally equates to one 12-ounce beer, five ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of liquor. Excessive drinking can be divided into two categories–binge drinking and heavy drinking. Binge drinking for women is more than four drinks in one social occasion, and for men is more than five. Heavy drinking is considered eight or more drinks per week for women and 15 or more drinks per week for men. If you or a loved one is displaying signs of an AUD, it might be time to consider alcohol addiction treatment.

Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol is a depressant, and the misuse of it can negatively affect the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of a person. Prolonged misuse of alcohol can result in permanent changes in brain function and chronic physical ailments. It is important to know when it might be time to seek treatment, such as an alcohol rehab. The following are some signs that a person has developed an AUD:

  • Significant time spent getting, using, and recovering from the effects of alcohol
  • Giving up or reducing educational, social, and professional responsibilities 
  • Repeated use of alcohol in dangerous situations
  • Continuing to drink despite the negative effects on relationships
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop drinking

While the causes of alcohol addiction are unknown, experts believe that genetics, history of family drinking, exposure to trauma or stress in childhood, or beginning to drink before age 15 all increase the likelihood that someone may develop AUD. 

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

People who suffer from AUD often experience detrimental effects on their daily lives. Dedication to school and work can suffer, and relationships with family and friends tend to strain. Consuming alcohol while driving is a common risk-taking behavior that can lead to injury or death. Problems with kidney function, liver function, difficulty with memory, depression, anxiety, and risk of heart disease and high blood pressure are all dangers facing someone with AUD. Difficulties and illnesses related to fertility and childbirth, alcohol poisoning, and risky sexual behaviors add to the dangers of alcohol addiction. These reasons and more make it imperative for someone affected by an alcohol addiction to seek a substance abuse treatment program.

Recovery from alcohol addiction may look different for different people. Depending on the diagnosis (many people suffer from co-occurring disorders), alcohol addiction treatment might include things like cognitive-behavioral therapy, meditation, medications, detox, or residential treatment. At Skywood Outpatient, we are prepared to meet our patient’s needs with the treatments and therapies they need to recover and achieve long-term success.

Searching for an Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program in Michigan? Find the Help You Need at Skywood Outpatient 

Alcohol use disorders affect many people in the U.S. and their families. It can be a life-altering and life-threatening disease that is chronic and often degenerative. Thankfully, “chronic” does not mean that the life of a person with an AUD cannot get better. There are solutions that can offer hope and happiness for people with an addiction to alcohol. 

At Skywood Outpatient, we offer a variety of services to help you find recovery, including detox, inpatient, outpatient, and residential services. Give yourself or your loved one a chance at a better life—contact us at 248.617.6237 or online to learn more about Skywood Outpatient today.